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Chenell Basilio's 'Growth In Reverse' newsletter subscribe page
Chenell Basilio's 'Growth In Reverse' newsletter subscribe page
Chenell Basilio's 'Growth In Reverse' newsletter subscribe page

Explained by Olly

Explained by Olly



A newsletter subscribe page only needs a few simple things to drive sign up:

Who - state who it's for so the visitor can say "that's me"

What - what they get, often a transformation "From A to B", plus meta info like "10 mins to read"

When - how often and what day it is sent

Proof - build trust so people are willing to give you their email address. Use social proof and testimonials

Show not tell - rather than explain the newsletter, show an example

The Growth In Reverse newsletter nails it! Great work Chenell.

A newsletter subscribe page only needs a few simple things to drive sign up:

Who - state who it's for so the visitor can say "that's me"

What - what they get, often a transformation "From A to B", plus meta info like "10 mins to read"

When - how often and what day it is sent

Proof - build trust so people are willing to give you their email address. Use social proof and testimonials

Show not tell - rather than explain the newsletter, show an example

The Growth In Reverse newsletter nails it! Great work Chenell.

A newsletter subscribe page only needs a few simple things to drive sign up:

Who - state who it's for so the visitor can say "that's me"

What - what they get, often a transformation "From A to B", plus meta info like "10 mins to read"

When - how often and what day it is sent

Proof - build trust so people are willing to give you their email address. Use social proof and testimonials

Show not tell - rather than explain the newsletter, show an example

The Growth In Reverse newsletter nails it! Great work Chenell.

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What is Landing Pages Explained?

Landing Pages Explained is the best landing pages explained. Discover a curated selection of leading SaaS and indiemaker landing pages with clear explanations of the techniques used to increase conversion. Discover great pages, and the decisions behind them.

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